Linda's Flowers

~ A full service florist located in Sockjaw, Pennsylvania ~ Order online 24/7 or visit us Sat - Sun! ~

Our store's hours have recently changed! Go here to see our NEW hours!


At Linda's Flowers, we offer a variety of pre-made floral arrangements as well as custom-made arrangements for any occasion. Whether it be a birthday, anniversary, or holiday—we have got you covered! To purchase an arrangement, visit our location:

1082 Main Avenue
Sockjaw, Pennsylvania

You can also email us for inquiries about purchasing a floral arrangement, our hours, or any other questions you may have. Our email is

An example of our flowers available at the moment.

Another example of our flowers available at the moment.


Linda's Flowers was established in 1983, following the owner of our shop, Linda Easton, moving from working at the Sockjaw National Park to floristry. Linda had grown up with a passion for nature, and alongside her hobby of floral arrangements, she decided to pursue floristry full-time. Her time at the national park had taught her a lot about the purposes of different species of flowers. With her knowledge in botanism, the floral arrangements at Linda's Flowers are unique, meaningful, and most of all: easy on the eyes.

OPEN: Monday thru Saturday 10 A.M. - 6 P.M., Sunday 11 A.M. - 5 P.M.
CLOSED: We are closed on national holidays.
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© Copyright 2000—2006 Linda's Flowers / All Rights Reserved / Website created by Sarah Dabrowski