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At Linda's Flowers, we offer a variety of pre-made floral arrangements as well as custom-made arrangements for any occasion. Whether it be a birthday, anniversary, or holiday—we have got you covered! To purchase an arrangement, visit our location:
1082 Main Avenue
Sockjaw, Pennsylvania
You can also email us for inquiries about purchasing a floral arrangement, our hours, or any other questions you may have. Our email is lindaeastonflowers@yahoo.com.
Linda's Flowers was established in 1983, following the owner of our shop, Linda Easton, moving from working at the Sockjaw National Park to floristry. Linda had grown up with a passion for nature, and alongside her hobby of floral arrangements, she decided to pursue floristry full-time. Her time at the national park had taught her a lot about the purposes of different species of flowers. With her knowledge in botanism, the floral arrangements at Linda's Flowers are unique, meaningful, and most of all: easy on the eyes.
OPEN: Monday thru Saturday 10 A.M. - 6 P.M., Sunday 11 A.M. - 5 P.M.
CLOSED: We are closed on national holidays.
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© Copyright 2000—2006 Linda's Flowers / All Rights Reserved / Website created by Sarah Dabrowski